Classic Microblading Course


3 Day Course | April 27-29th 9am-4pm

In this Classic Microblading course students will learn the skills necessary to create a beautiful, feathery, natural eye brow. All supplies necessary provided with the purchase of course.

Learn the necessary skills to build a new career or offer additional services to your current clients.

Course instructor Dani K., has been a PMU artist for almost 5 years. Her extensive training in PMU has helped her build an extensive clientele including clients who travel to Utah specifically to have her work on them.

No prior license or certifications are required to take this course.

Voucher Option 1
Voucher Option 2


What to expect:

Personalized training with a small class size limited to only 3 students.

Day 1:

•Color theory
•Brow mapping
•Stroke “patterns”
•Proper depth
•Skin types
•Clean, sterile work space

Day 2:

•Business and mindset coaching to build clientele quickly.
•Mapping practice
•Microblade practice
•Watch procedure on a live model

Day 3:

•Business and mindset coaching
•Student model


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